
Feb 11, 2017PIVX rebranding complete and new wallet available!

PIVX Rebranding from DARKNET is now finally complete, and although at the time of writing the changes haven’t made their way through to the exchanges or

It is official Darknet-crypto is now called PIVX.


The new website has already been discussed within the PIVX community and a suitable design company has already been identified, and the website has been funded so hopefully within 3 weeks our new website will be available. PIVX stands for PRIVATE INSTANT VERIFIED TRANSACTION.

There were 3 names given to the community to vote on when deciding the new name and then the colour scheme was also voted on, all votes were conducted through Slack messenger and the process took around 1 month to complete. Rhubarbmedia was employed to design the logo and have produced a very nice guide to using PIVX new logos and branding effectively. You can see the guide for here.
