
Jun 26, 2018PIVX Light Wallet v1.0 Now Live!

With the release of the Android wallet, PIVX developer furszy’s attention turned to creating a streamlined desktop application that would make the process of sending, requesting payment of, and receiving PIV much simpler for the end user.

Links will be down until next update.

PIVX Light Wallet – Now Available for Windows, macOS, & Linux Users.

PIVians rejoice! The PIVX Light wallet is now available for download from the above links. With the light build, the wallet downloads only the block headers rather than the entire blockchain (whole blocks & transactions), resulting in less disk space and bandwidth usage, allowing for faster performance and sync times.

The light wallet also sees popular features in the android wallet: Mnemonic passphrase security and autofill, in wallet currency conversion, payment request, and QR generation. In short, accepting PIVX in exchange for goods and services is a much less time consuming, and easier process with the PIVX Light Wallet! If you experience any issues or have any questions regarding installation of the PIVX Light Wallet v1.0, please consult our support team in Discord:

PIV to Select Currency Conversion

Included in the PIVX Light Wallet is a currency calculator allowing the user to automatically calculate the value of PIV in their local currency, in real-time.

PIV Payment Request & QR Generation

You are now able to request a payment amount and automatically generate a QR code that, when scanned by the payer, will automatically input the payment address and the amount owed to the payee.

Allowing for much smoother, quicker transactions.

* These are only a few highlights of the light wallet – please see the bottom of this article for a full list of features.

What’s Next?

With the PIVX Light Wallet v1.0 staking, zPoS are currently unavailable features, however, plans are already in motion to begin work on Zerocoin implementation within the Light build, Multisig addresses, staking capabilities, and, eventually, zPoS.

While there is no concrete prediction for when these features will be available, but we’ll keep you updated when more information is available!

Full Release Notes:

* Mnemonic code backup/restore.
* Staking tx recognized.
* Transaction detail screen.
* Inputs detail screen.
* Coin-control.
* Multi send.
* Custom fee.
* Toggle PIV or USD.
* Splash muted option.
* Remove address label option.
* Add all balance button.
* Crash report added.
* Protocol updated to 70810 (now everyone could use their own nodes as trusted nodes!).
* BIP44 fully implemented.
* Restore BIP32/BIP44 option created.
* Mnemonic code added on the initial wizard.
* Export account option.
* Watch only mode enabled.
* More trusted nodes available.
* Blockchain sync progress.
* Upgrade screen.
* PIVX-light-wallets googleGroup for technical support created.
* Several bug fixes ( freeze bug included ).
* Connection with the new core version (zerocoin).
* Send screen: custom change address.
* Change address screen.
* Proto bump to 70914.
* Receiving zcspend/zcmint transactions error fix.
* Many validation/verifications on pivxj.
* UI minor bugs corrections.
* Multi-fiat currency support.
* Payment Request added.
* zc_spend transactions parsing + transaction icon.
* Recover Mnemonic phrase screen autocompletion + loading in background.
* Default option for trusted nodes selection screen.
* Initialize wallet from recover screen issue fixed.
* Minor bugs fixed.
