SHIELD for Tipping

Keep up with the newest technologies and start accepting new sources of revenue from a global community of PIVX users.

SHIELD Tipping Simple, Fast & Secure

Considering alternative payment methods to outdated methods? Here are 4 reasons why PIVX is the best alternative method to accept tips.

Reduce cost of tipping

The transaction fee is negligible and most often it is lower then $0.01.

Instant tipping

Thanks to the PIVX network, receive payments instantly (within one minute).

Open source solutions

Integrate PIVX developed payment methods easily and completely free of charge, because the PIVX code is completely open source.

Passionate Userbase

Become a part of PIVX and get various bonuses including support from our community and PIVX ambassadors.

PIVX is easy to Buy & Exchange

Check out our trusted exchanges where you can buy and convert your PIVX to many other cryptocurrencies easily.

How to Tip with PIVX

Easy guide to setup, send and receive tips with SHIELD by PIVX.


Generate SHIELD Address
Generate SHIELD Address

Generate Shielded or Transparent address for which you want to receive your tips.

Publish SHIELD Address
Publish SHIELD Address

Publish QR Code or text of your Shielded or Transparent address you've generated.


Copy QR Code
Copy SHIELD Address

Scan QR Code or copy text address of the recipient you want to tip.

Generate SHIELD Address
Paste into PIVX Wallet

Paste text address into SEND screen of your PIVX Core Wallet.

Publish SHIELD Address
Add Personal Message

If you tip using Shielded address you can attach a short message using Encrypted Memo.


Receive SHIELD Tips
Open PIVX Core Wallet

Open you PIVX Core Wallet and click on the tips received to view Encrypted Memo.